Keeping The Team Solid While Working Remotely

Working remotely seems to have become a common thing for several companies, especially during this pandemic which makes people have to work from home to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The Reyo team consists of people from different regions where all work remotely, but it’s not become a limitation for the team to stay productive and stay connected to one another. Here’s the story of how to work remotely that we implemented at Reyo so that our team remains solid even though we have never met face-to-face offline.


Communication is crucial for teamwork. Misunderstanding due to lack of communication can hinder team performance. The Reyo team understands that it is important for us to always maintain communication with each other. If there are questions or difficulties that we experience, we will always communicate them to our colleagues and leaders so that everyone can get clear information about the status or progress of each task. Remember that over-communicating is better than lack of communication.

Make Things Clear

It’s really important that all team members know everything clearly. Starting from company targets, expectations, to workflows, we make sure that all of the team members know and are aware of it so that everyone is walking on the right track. Our leaders always make sure that all of the targets and expectations for the company are clearly conveyed to the entire team. The Reyo team, which is located in several regions of the world, works with different timezones. It is therefore very important for everyone to set their working hours and communicate this to the team so that team members know when it is the right time to contact each other. In addition, remote working allows people to work flexibly according to their own pace, but this can sometimes have an impact on the team productivity because there are too many distractions. Therefore, it is important to set a workflow that must be followed by all team members so that everyone can be productive and complete tasks according to the deadlines.

Meet-Up Time

In line with good communication, the Reyo team set a regular time so that we can meet together as a team. We hold daily meetings per team every morning to update the works that have finished on the previous day and convey the work plan to be carried out on that day. We also have weekly meetings for the entire Reyo team, where at this meeting all of the teams will update about what the team is doing for one week and the team’s targets for the following week. But Reyo meet-up time isn’t always about task updates. We also make sure that we bring fun to every meeting so that everyone will not feel pressured to attend the meeting but will feel the excitement of meeting each other. That’s why in our meetings we create a fun atmosphere and not infrequently we insert various jokes or give time to chit chat with each other.

Prioritize Mental Health

Reyo built an app that provides a platform for people to be heard by others without fear of being judged. This is also what we want to give to our team. Reyo really prioritizes our team’s mental health. Reyo team is not always about work, work, and work. We believe that to make the company successful, the team needs to be happy and comfortable working in it. Everyone in the team is given a place to talk, express what they feel, and is always supported. Our leaders are really open if there are members who are experiencing difficulties and need to take a break or need help.

Reward and Recognize

Delivering rewards and thanks for the hard work of everyone on the team is very important. This can build confidence and also make team members feel valued and appreciated. Simply saying thank you for every task that has been completed and they are doing a good job would be really meaningful.

The biggest challenge of working remotely is how to keep the team solid and able to stay connected. A comfortable work environment will make all team members feel comfortable as well so it will make them more productive. Start with good communication between one another and other good things will also come because with good communication, the team will continue to be able to connect with each other and all things targeted can be conveyed clearly.

It’s really important for the team to find the right way to communicate to make the team become successful.

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