You are Not Alone!

Why is it that we readily offer and provide assistance to others, while seeking assistance for ourselves appears to be frowned upon? And why do we regard ourselves as less capable when we need help?

The answer is straightforward. We feel that we will be assessed and judged by others for our weakness or inadequacy. However, the truth is that using the help we have around or asking for it only reveals strength, according to Forbes. Yet, I have a few more perks to tell you about when talking about taking help:

  • So, when you ask for support or when there are people offering you their help, take it. Why? It is because with this help you maintain focus and energy as the task is shared with others. You create more flow making your life and journey fun and easy.

  • When you ask for help, you open the door for others to give their abilities and talents. You give others the opportunity to shine, and you learn more about their abilities and passions. This way, you won’t feel as though you’re fighting alone.

  • Having someone by your side to help and support you is not an odd thing to happen. Right when you would talk about it, you would realize that scores of people are in the same boat. So, you would not feel alone. This seeking of support proves to be a reinforcement that we are all in this together.

  • When you obtain help, it doesn’t just benefit you. It helps those who are there to help you, both emotionally and physically. When you receive help, you allow others to experience the joy that comes from giving. We release oxytocin, a powerful bond-creating hormone, when we give or receive a gift.

  • Receiving much-needed assistance joyfully also validates the level of trust you have in your loved ones and allies. You implicitly tell them that you believe in them, which deepens your relationship with your fans.

  • In addition, when you bravely accept help from others, you demonstrate humility. In a manner, you demonstrate that you, like everyone else, are flawed, and others will relate to you. No one is perfect, and everyone has an opportunity for improvement.

  • Finally, there is no doubt about the fact that there is strength in being vulnerable because it makes us human. This vulnerability conjoins us as humankind. We were designed to co-create life-changing experiences together.

Finally, I want to stress the necessity of accepting support from loved ones, friends, or other sources. Accepting aid and venting to others who care may be scary at first, but it will leave you feeling grateful and healed. After all, why are we here if we can’t offer or get the support we need in trying times of emotional upheaval? Remember, being vulnerable is a brave act and it must be done by everyone in need of help. So, allowing yourself to seek assistance may help you overcome problems on your own in the long run!

Good Luck!

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