Are you a depression victim having a lot of thoughts stuck in your mind? Looking for someone who can share your burden, listen to your thoughts without any judgment? To whom you can say whatever you want.

Then here is the solution to your problem. Our app Reyo is providing the best platform for those who badly need a good listener. We are just one call away. Feel free to share your feelings as our motto is Talk without Judgment.

According to the National Alliance on mental illness estimations, approximately 1 in 5 adults suffered from mental illness each year.

Lockdown and Your Mental Concerns

Loneliness intensified as everyone was locked down in their houses. Unable to figure out what to do. Loss of loved ones and no source of earning shattered the minds. To whom do you express yourselves as everyone is fighting his battle? Worry not because we are here for you.

The need of the hour is to help each other and stop being judgmental. A person with devastating mind status needs a counselor, who listens without judging, understands without criticizing, and uplifts without humiliating.

Psychological illness is something that should be addressed seriously or can ruin the whole family. It can affect any person of any age and any race.

Disappointment, frustration, anxiety, and negative thoughts are the signs of poor mental health.

Good mental health is required to cope with the routine ups and downs.

REYO, Care for Mental Health

Reyo works by providing volunteers who have expertise in listening to other problems and help them untangle their thoughts to reach a solution. These volunteers are there for you all the time whenever you feel like talking to someone and getting rid of depressing thoughts.

You must have had times when you needed someone to laugh with and who could give you the space to do so. Who does not pass judgment on your statements and bring negativity into your life.

A regular occurrence is to find that when you discuss your feelings with anyone, he begins to judge you from a stereotype standpoint. An excruciatingly painful point, and you decide not to open it in front of anyone. These circumstances worsen your mental health.

The main advantage of this app is that you will never have to deal with this type of judgment. We will ensure that your privacy is safe with us.

There can be two scenarios in which your daily lifestyle can damage your mental health.

First is where you tend to slack your life out, procrastinate, and incline towards a sedentary lifestyle. Such a lifestyle pushes your health to the verge of pessimism.

Second is you are hypersensitive and put several extra things on your mind resulting in extreme psychological pressure.

Both these scenarios affect your psychological as well as physical health.

Do you think that sitting in an empty room with a cup of tea and avoiding even your family members will help you cope with this depression, and you will be able to find a better solution?

No, this only heightens your emptiness without any fruitful results.

Your negative thoughts kill you slowly from the inside and leave you devastated to the extent that you can not think properly, and lose your decision power. Keeping yourself isolated from everyone will make you fall behind in life thus, exaggerating your self-destruction process.

Believe me! You will never regret it. Pick up your phone and make a call. Do not listen to your inner hopeless person.

Rejoice Your Life With Reyo

If you think that mental illness is not treatable, you are wrong!

Are you facing relationship crises or trouble in recovering from a deadly disease? Do not worry. We got you!

But you have to take the first step on this recovery track. Come out of your bubble then we will take you to the heights of hopefulness.

Let’s get down to the exciting perspective of this app that you surely don’t wanna miss.

Catharsis is necessary, but that will only soothe you for a specific time being. For something everlasting, you will need to make changes in your lifestyle. And that is what the main objective of Reyo is!

What people with mental health issues mostly tend to ignore is their eating schedule. If your diet is poor, you will be down on body energy, and you will have no other choice but to miss out on your responsibilities. It can take a toll on your nerves, and you can end up having anxiety.

Thus to ensure your normal life functioning, you need to make “eat good, feel good” your basic life principle.

Medical studies prove the benefits of exercise as it increases blood circulation. We recommend a healthy workout routine that will boost your energy and uplift your mood.

Go out for a morning walk, communicate with people, do yoga, and chill.

We will highlight every possible way that will be life-changing. Just approach us!!!

Sleep patterns control the functioning of your mind. Sleep timing and sleep duration both are important.

We are here to help you follow good sleep patterns.

Admit that you can never get treated as long as your grief for illness is more than your longing for a healthy life.

Say goodbye to distressing life, reach out for Reyo, and become a part of a beautiful journey to rediscover the meaning of life altogether.


  1. A. S. D. F. F. Bu, “Who is lonely in lockdown? Cross-cohort analyses of predictors of loneliness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Public Health, pp. 31-34, 2020.
  2. A. E. C. S. F. N. P. Abel Brodeur, “Assessing the impact of the coronavirus lockdown on unhappiness, loneliness, and boredom using Google Trends,” arXiv, 2020.
  3. M. M. Benjamin G. Druss, ” Improving medical care for persons with serious mental illnes: Challenges and Solutions,” J Clin Psychiatry, pp. 40-44, 2007.
  4. M. M. Benjamin G. Druss, “Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Populations With Serious Mental Illness,” JAMA Psychiatry, pp. 891-892, 2020.
  5. V. M. Shinn AK, ” Perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic and individuals with serious mental illness,” Clin Psychiatry, 2020.

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