Run Your Own Race: It’s You VS You!

It might not sound odd to you if I tell you that almost everyone compares their lives with the others. However, when people compare negatively, they fall into the realms of frustration, resentment, ingratitude, and pessimism. If you have to compare, do it for inspiration and not out of envy and jealousy. Why have I said it right away? It is because comparison is the thief of joy and you must not undermine yourself by doing so.

I do understand that saying such stuff is easier compared to actually doing so. Learning how to be your own competitor is indeed a skill but let me assure you that with this skill you can make progress by leaps and bounds. On the other hand, if you stay stuck in useless comparisons with others, you will only feel mentally unhealthy, stressed out, and perpetually unhappy. So, why should you do that to yourself? All the successful and contented people in the world follow the rule of racing against themselves only. So, how can you change your mindset and stop comparing with others? Well, take a look at these tips and follow them to avoid doing so:

Count your blessings and celebrate your progress!

When you shift your focus on what others are doing and savoring while brushing your perks aside, sadness and depression are bound to hit you. To not compare and feel bad, you must keep an eye on your privileges and see how so many people around actually find your life enviable and leisurely. Additionally, just see where you are standing today compared to your past. If you have made some progress, celebrate it and keep working hard to achieve even more success but joyfully.

Applaud others!

More often than not, the core reason for our discontentment and stress is that we fail to be happy in others’ successes and wellness. So, in order to ditch the habit of constant comparisons and hurt, learn to be happy when others around you do better and probably get inspired by them to pave your way to joys and accomplishment.

Develop a growth mindset

Like I said earlier, it all starts from your mind. You need to train your mind to think positively and rely on your skills to become a better person. So, make an effort to develop a growth mindset that wishes well for others and focuses on believing in your struggle to attain your goals positively. Compared to a fixed mindset, your growth mindset will not let your mind divert towards useless comparisons that lead to anxiety and melancholy.

Work on self-development

You must keep in mind that until you work on your mind and heart, things won’t change. So, focus on self-development by enrolling in some courses, talking about your concerns to wise and understanding listeners, and be involved in some recreational activities to get rid of toxicity and comparisons.


Well, all that matters, in the end, is how far you have come in comparison to your past. So, instead of competing with others and beating yourself up for not being like them, be your own competitor and see yourself soaring high up in the sky of progress.

Good Luck!

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