Learn to Rest, Not Quit and Come Back Stronger!

How do you envision failure? Do you see it as a roadblock, an end to your struggle? Or, do you realize that it is, in fact, the much-needed fuel for you to function?

Failure is not an alien thing for you. You have failed, multiple times, but what gets you disoriented is the immense pressure that comes with the thought of losing. There is immense wisdom behind the Japanese saying, “FALL DOWN SEVEN TIMES, AND GET UP EIGHT!”

Why? Because it is usually the eighth time when you would succeed! When we fail at something, we learn another way of doing the same thing. It teaches us millions of things that must not be done for that one aim. Do you consider it a bane then? Failure is not a setback; it is, in fact, an energy booster, a catalyst, that helps in speeding up our way to glory. So, when things go wrong, take a breather and fuel yourself to come back stronger.

The world we live in has tons of gems in the form of exceptionally famous and glorified people. Take the example of Albert Einstein! What happened to him as a student? Yes, he faced multiple failures and was considered a good-for-nothing child. Did these failures and setbacks stop him from reaching the pedestal of success? Of course, not! The world witnessed a failure that rested and then kept on going and left indelible marks in history. How then can failure be a hindrance?

Peep into the lives of Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, or any other eminent person; they all faced multiple failures. What they shared in common was, never giving up! They faced failures, cried their hearts out, took timeouts, and had meltdowns but after a while they started anew. They chased their dreams like lunatics and turned them into reality through their grit and resilience. What did Thomas Edison do when he was called out as a crazy man? His ‘lunacy’ and perseverance gave him that ‘ONE’ way that worked. Would he have found this ‘one’ way if he had given up the other thousand times he failed? NEVER! So, failure is a way forward, your comeback story and not the end!

Do you still see it as a roadblock or a comeback?

Recall how all of us learned walking as a baby. Did it happen the first time? HELL NO! We fell, time and again; we bruised our knees and ankles but remained adamant and never gave up.

That is how we learned to walk! That is exactly how you succeed! That is exactly what failure tries to tell you! Do not give up, no matter what!

Likewise, think of how you learned to ride your bike for the first time, how you cooked something, or gained any major or minor milestone. It did not happen in the first go or overnight. BE RESILIENT, BE GRITTY, BE ADAMANT! REMEMBER FAILURE IS JUST THE WAY TO PROGRESS AND NOT AN END!

Remember, quitters never win and winners never quit!

Ask yourself, what exactly is failure to you now? Are you going to be a winner or a loser? I bet you are bound to reach the zenith of success if you never quit at failures. Take a break, cry, and speak up if you want to, be a champion!!

Good Luck!

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