Know When To Bravely Ask For Help

Did you ever notice how many people around us just suffer silently in depression and stress because they find it hard to communicate their feelings? Why do they feel like that in the first place? Well, it goes without saying that mental health is a major issue that is widely recognized by people. However, the typical mindset societies have towards mental health issues is a huge roadblock for the ones suffering from any sort of mental disorder. You see, people usually judge others when they talk about their strife. These judgmental attitudes and getting labeled by people are the fears that stop many of us from sharing our stories. However, they can still try safer spaces to vent out and get the much-needed help without any hesitation and fear of judgment.

So, why is this sharing so important? Sharing your side of the story is very crucial to maintaining good mental health and long-lasting relationships. If you see why many bonds fail to prosper, the underlying reason is the lack of communication and listening. The unresolved feelings keep getting piled up and suddenly erupt one day in an ugly manner leading to breakups and heartaches. However, there are tons of more reasons to share. Let me elaborate a few:

It’s part of you being good to yourself!

The one person to whom you are the most answerable is your own self. You were not created to get smashed and belittled in life. So, when you consider sharing your feelings and frustration, you are actually performing a critical duty i.e. self-care. If you do not work on your mental peace and overall wellness, how can you benefit others and the world generally? So, it is part of being good to yourself when you dare to speak up about your trauma or turbulence.

It is an act of courage

Although it is your right to self-care and to share, many people are afraid to do so for fear of being judged and condemned by others. So, choose a trustworthy friend or a wise family member to rant to and discuss your problems. Allowing an external body to delve into the recesses of your mind requires a lot of guts. However, with the correct kind of assistance, such as Reyo, this heroic step becomes less daunting and more agreeable.

It leads to the release of unsettled emotions

Many a time the reasons behind stressed ties, heartaches, and breakups are nothing more than delaying the needed discussion on the issues that bother you or your partner. Likewise, when you have issues at the workplace, if you delay the discussion on your workload and simply try to fit in by blind following, things can go severely wrong. So, when you dare to talk about your issues, you actually release all the pent-up emotions and remove the mind fog too.


To sum up, do not shy away from talking about your feelings as it is not just necessary but also a heroic act to help yourself. Be it a friend, family member, or Reyo; sharing is important for you.
Good Luck!

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