How to Raise Better Kids With Appreciative Parenting

Isn’t it fascinating how positively our children respond when we treat them as though they are a miraculous manifestation of our lives? Do we also behave differently as parents when we have a great deal of love and appreciation for our children? What does it feel like to have the most endearing aspects of your personality recognized? We all want to raise happy, healthy children, but the question of how to go about doing so is a challenging one to answer definitively.

To be more specific in my response to this conundrum, I would say that instead of focusing on our children’s shortcomings, we must learn to embrace their qualities, and we will be able to raise amazing beings as a result of our efforts. Now the glitch occurs when scores of parents fail to adopt the appreciative parenting ways that can help their children grow up to be positive and healthy individuals. So, parents have to adopt the mantra of Attitude of Gratitude to instill the same demeanor in their kids. You are to remember that what you focus on, grows and having mindful and appreciative kids is a great part of it. Let’s understand this phenomenon and its implications in detail now:

Actions speak lauder than words / kids follow the example and not the advice

The core skill you need to learn as a parent when trying to raise gratified kids is that you remember the fact that your kids would not do what you say but they would follow your example. If you keep your focus on finding out the flaws in your kids and undermine them time and over again, they would turn out to be more problematic. Our very attention and focus create patterns and expectations that reinforce and support the continuation of what we are noticing. As it is rightly said, “If you focus on problems you find more problems. If you focus on solutions, you find more solutions.” By shifting our focus, we can shift our experience with how we raise our kids.

For example, if your kid runs around creating a mess in the house, you would feel a great urge in stopping and ‘mending’ them. However, the reality is that you must learn the skill of praising and valuing them for their creativity and independent play. Likewise, if your child questions a lot or argues something before they follow the instructions, it means that your child has an individual personality and they must be praised for their critical thinking. On the contrary though, if you undermine yourself or your partner and don’t let yourself or your partner be themselves, how can your child learn to be strong-willed and independent? Indeed, we must also strive to define our kids in the best possible way and this appreciative approach will let them unleash their inner strengths and become the best versions of themselves eventually.

In addition to these, follow the following tips to enrich your appreciative parenting style:

  • Give credit where it’s due. Make a point of praising them when they exhibit acts of charity.
  • Cook them their favorite food or make them a thank-you note to show your appreciation.
  • Unconditional love is the best kind to give and receive. Let them know you still care about them despite their blunders and inadequacies.

In short, squabbling about the flaws of your child will never yield positive results. Try to reach out and speak to Reyo and you can discuss these mindful ways of appreciative parenting which will ultimately make your child a wonderful human being.

Good Luck!

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