How To Put Your Energy In The Right Place

Every human soul on earth carries a specific sort of energy with themselves, be it positive or negative. Likewise, we do get affected by the kind of energy we consume from others. While you may not want it, the dependence on others who put your spectrum towards the pessimistic side only leads to heartache, depression, anxiety, and more mental disorders. So, it is certainly your right to work on your energy and use it in the right places for a healthier and rewarding life.

But, how can you do that successfully? Well, like any sort of training, taking care of your energy and using it intelligently is a self-driven effort. There are many ways in which you can train your mind and become a happier version of yourself. Let me give you a sneak peek of those methods:

1. You are in charge of yourself only, not others!

It is crucial at all times to remember that the only person you can control and maneuver is you. You just cannot expect others to not hurt you or pass insensitive remarks. It doesn’t mean that you just let them be so and accept their unhealthy and toxic traits. However, I do mean that what you can control here is how you respond to such people. Additionally, if people don’t come up to your expectations, do not fret over it. Keep no expectations and work on improving yourself perpetually. This is what having control over yourself means. So, as they say, you are the CEO of your life, so hire and fire people accordingly while polishing yourself substantially.

2. Ditch the naysayers!

Likewise, when I say that you need to put your energy in the right places, I also mean the kind of people you hang out with. For instance, if you spend most of your time being with pessimistic people who would always show you the darker aspect of your dreams and visions, do you think you would ever be able to realize your dreams? Of course, that isn’t possible. So, ditch the naysayers who tell you that no matter how much you try, things won’t improve. Instead, be with those who reaffirm your passion and believe in the beauty of your dreams.

3. Talk to a trusted person

Do you think keeping the right kind of energy intact and then using it in the right places is like a walk in the park? Certainly, it is a challenging task and this is the reason why we have fewer happier and accomplished souls nowadays. So, when you feel like giving up or get adversely affected by the negativities, try to find a trusted listener. While you may have some good friends and family members around, Reyo-the App can be a lifesaver. With high confidentiality and sheer trust, you can vent out your stress and feelings and probably brainstorm a practical solution too.


In short, you have been created with a lot of love and therefore you are to aspire for a better life. If you do not use your energy constructively, you may actually put the health of your life at stake. So, waste no time and focus on putting it in the right places to make the most out of this life!

Good Luck!

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