How to Never Give Up On Yourself?

Do the upheavals of life have you feeling shattered? Do you want to abandon yourself and your journey? This is, without a doubt, something you should never do. Many people are demotivated by failures and how others perceive their setbacks. While it might be frightening when things go wrong, it is critical to be resilient and keep moving forward despite setbacks and losses. This is precisely what distinguishes the successful from the unsuccessful.

Do you realize how many failures did the creators of Disneyland, Windows, and even Harry Potter faced? Success never came to them overnight. They tripped multiple times and then through their grit and determination; they were able to do what they were meant to. So, if you give up on yourself when your ideas fail, it simply indicates that you are not ready to exploit your potential fully. But, I do realize it is hard to never give up. So, how can you never give up on yourself and keep aspiring for your dreams? Let me share some ways:

Ask yourself, why did you start?

When you see that things are getting out of your hands and you feel exhausted and heartbroken, do not simply get defeated. Accept the loss but only to sort it out again. When it feels overwhelming, ask yourself why you started it in the first place. Your bigger cause will give you enough drive to keep going and not succumb to fiascos.

Dare to shoulder the responsibility

Well, this might sound clichéd but the truth is that you must take responsibility for your actions and their consequences. Blaming others for your letdowns would only worsen the situation. Be proactive and develop a sense of responsibility that relies on the basic principle of having the guts to face whatever comes your way. This is a brave thing to do and a trait mutually shared by all eminent people. If you need it, you can seek help from a support app like Reyo to get you started with this discussion and acceptance.

Rejoice mini-milestones

To reach a bigger goal, it is extremely necessary to remain triggered and inspired. There would be dark days and bright ones too. On the darker days, you must see how long you have come. Appreciate your journey and the tiniest of the milestones that you accomplished on the way. This will keep you optimistic and the thought of giving up will vanish altogether.

Pressures can turn you into a diamond

Who, in today’s world, can claim to not have faced pressures and stresses? Indeed, life is replete with such trials and when things are not going in your favor, you feel inclined towards giving up. Remember, it is a crucial point for if you give in to the pressure, you would never get polished and remain a piece of coal instead of turning into a well-shaped diamond. So, take the pressures as an avenue to grow and not give up.


To sum up, life does push us beyond our limits but not to break but to make us flexible for growth. If we simply give up, our bigger aims would never get accomplished and we will end up leading an average life with no accolades. Thus, never think of giving up. Instead, follow the steps I have shared above to keep it rolling and leave your mark too.

Good Luck!

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