Here’s How You Can Get Through Languishing Using Reyo!

Have you ever felt emptiness, a stagnant point where you are not completely distressed but also not happy with your life and anything else? If yes, then probably you have experienced what we call languishing. Languishing is the polar opposite of flourishing, which is when you feel connected and purposeful. When you are hit by languishing, you feel uninspired or disconnected, but you are not in substantial distress. 

Understand languishing first

In psychological terms, flourishing is defined as the state in which a person is filled with positive emotions, feels excited and motivated, towards life and their own situation. This enables them to function properly on mental, emotional, and social levels. In other words, flourishing refers to the state of being mentally healthy. The concept of languishing, on the other hand, is concerned with the absence of such psychological well-being. As a result, you do not experience positive emotions towards life, which may result in you experiencing mental and emotional difficulties, as well as hitches in relationships.

You may not be experiencing major depressive symptoms when you are languishing, but you are not functioning well socially or psychologically as a result of this. Some experts believe that languishing is associated with feelings of emptiness or with the inability to feel anything at all. It is not considered as serious mental strife but the feelings that are associated with this state are genuine and need elimination as they rupture your growth and well-being.

So, what are the signs that signify that you are languishing and how to overcome it? Well, let’s find out in detail:

Signs that signify languishing

Among many vivid symptoms related to personal and professional life, some of the prominent ones include:

  • Feeling of dissociation or apathy towards everything happening around. This lack of interest clearly hints towards the stagnant state of languishing you feel stuck at.
  • Lack of trust or aggravating cynicism towards your partner or workplace leader that stops you from working purposefully.
  • Disinterest in doing the chores or preferring procrastination over productivity because you feel that no matter how much you do, nothing will change.
  • Feeling unwell generally despite no medical issue which hinders your input into your personal and professional life.
  • Feeling the absence of any purpose or sparkle in life for no tangible reason. This seriously affects your personal and professional life.

How to overcome languishing

No one wants to be trapped in the unpleasant state of languishing for an extended period of time. Consequently, it is critical to do something that will break the ice and put you on the path to healing and rejuvenation as soon as possible. Reyo can primarily serve as an icebreaker for you, allowing you to open up about your emptiness with a volunteer listener without feeling judged or embarrassed. You will be put on the path to recovery as a result of these heart-to-heart dialogues, which will include seeking behavioral counseling, establishing an attitude of thankfulness, and going forward in life with full fire and zest. So, give Reyo a shot today and experience the much-needed catharsis.

Good Luck!

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