Avoid Self-Diagnose, Talk to Reyo and Decide

Do you feel the urge to google your feelings and signs to self-recognize your issue? When you diagnose or detect a medical condition in yourself, you are said to be engaging in self-diagnosis. When someone googles a symptom or medical sign, they are attempting to determine whether or not they have a medical or mental disease; this is known as self-diagnosing. Self-diagnosis is frequently incorrect and can lead individuals astray which is why it is strongly discouraged in medical settings.

In addition to the aforementioned reason, self-diagnosis has the potential to be deadly for many individuals. You may be receiving the wrong treatment if you make assumptions about your health. Self-diagnosis can lead patients to overlook underlying medical conditions that are causing their symptoms. Self-diagnosis might also put you in danger of maltreating an ailment, especially if the symptoms you’re experiencing are prevalent.

Furthermore, there are situations when you fail to notice something that is right in front of your eyes. A person suffering from anxiety disorders, for example, may experience the signs of paralysis as a result of the fear. If you simply surf the internet or assume that those signs refer to you getting the paralysis attack, you would never get the right solution or treatment.  So, this act of self-diagnosis harms you more than the core issue itself i.e. anxiety. It is also possible for a major depressive condition to be misdiagnosed as an anxiety disorder, in actuality. If you suffer from anxiety, you are more likely to believe that you are suffering from depression as well.

So, should you stop reading up on your signs altogether? Indeed, that is not what I intend to say. All I am trying to put across is the gravity of this issue of self-diagnosis. Merely looking up for your signs and enhancing your mental strife, you must talk to someone reliable and discuss your feelings. Most often than not, these feelings and emotions get channelized healthily when you speak up and the connected signs and symptoms wither away. Now, I am not advocating that you don’t consult a therapist or a medical practitioner. Of course, if the symptoms are bothersome, there is no point in wasting time in thinking or finding someone reliable to speak to. You must head for your medical assessment right away.

However, if the signs are troublesome but manageable, you must try to talk to a trustworthy listener like the volunteers available at Reyo who are trained to be active listeners which makes it super easy for you to share and vent out. With their benign and empathetic approach, you feel comfortable talking your heart out and laying your plans regarding your signs and health.


Well, to cut the long story short, keeping an eye on your feelings and emotions is very important but simply self-diagnosing yourself because of tumultuous emotions is not a good idea. Communication is the key here so if things start bugging you, waste no time and talk to a promising volunteer at Reyo who would prove to be a great active listener and help you avoid the unhealthy approach of self-diagnosing yourself with a certain condition.

Good Luck!

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